copy of Pecorino stagionato Abruzzese Biologico al tartufo DINO da latte ovino crudo 100% italiano

Are you purchasing a variable weight product?
If what you are buying is a variable weight product, know that the final weight will never always be the same. It will vary because of the cut, because of the season, because of the temperature, because of how many days it was produced, etc.
How do we protect the customer? At the time of preparation of the goods, if the weight should be different from what is listed in the ad, you will be promptly notified before the shipment departs to arrange for correction of the amount paid.
Description and useful information
50 Years of History
Our company has very deep and well-established roots in the territory of Scanno (AQ), a jewel of a town located on the borders of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park.
Nearly 50 years ago we began our efforts to ensure the continuation of a millennia-old cult that over the centuries has ensured the survival of these Abruzzi territories and its people: pastoralism.
We have 1,500 sheep, 100 goats
and 40 cows.
All our animals are raised on pasture, free range, at 1740 meters above sea level in full respect of natural cycles and are protected by our more than 40 purebred Abruzzese Shepherd dogs.
We are also here to continue to defend the existence of the thriving biodiversity of our mountains, without which we would not have raw materials capable of releasing the most varied scents and flavors. Gregorio Rotolo Breeder & Dairyman
Why buy from us
We work on a customer basis
We like to get to know the customer, establish a bond, and offer the solution that will best suit them.
We ship how and where you want
Groupage shipments, pallets up to 1000Kg, dry, temperature and frost... in short, just tell us where and the goods will come to you!
After the sale-we don't disappear
We remain available to you even after the sale, to help you even when the problem is probably beyond our control. We're there, always.